Oct 19, 2014


Suppose you have a triangle in Excel that you would like to analyze in R. In Excel, select the cells comprising the triangle including the labels identifying accident year and age and copy to the clipboard.

Back in R, load the excelRio package and run the function that pastes content from the clipboard. Be sure to tell the function that your data has a “header” for the column names (development ages) and a “rowheader” for the row names (accident years).
tri <- pasteFromExcel(header = TRUE, rowheader = TRUE)

       12   24   36   48   60
2010 1000 1200 1320 1386 1414
2011 1200 1452 1568 1631   NA
2012  800 1040 1113   NA   NA
2013 1100 1320   NA   NA   NA
2014  850   NA   NA   NA   NA
excelRio has special handling to strip out the dollar signs and commas when appropriate. excelRio’s interpretation of “appropriate” is, if after stripping out the dollar signs and commas the column of results can be successfully converted to numeric, then that’s what will happen. Without special handling, this would not normally happen, as below when the first two character elements lose numeric value.
as.numeric(c("$1,000", "1,200", "800"))
[1]  NA  NA 800
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion 
The argument that controls this special handling is convertFormattedNumbers and can be turned off, as in the code below. Note that I also set stringsAsFactors = FALSE because my installation of R has the default value TRUE for that global option.
tri <- pasteFromExcel(header = TRUE, rowheader = TRUE,
                      convertFormattedNumbers = FALSE,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     12         24         36         48         60        
2010 " $1,000 " " $1,200 " " $1,320 " " $1,386 " " $1,414 "
2011 " 1,200 "  " 1,452 "  " 1,568 "  " 1,631 "  NA        
2012 " 800 "    " 1,040 "  " 1,113 "  NA         NA        
2013 " 1,100 "  " 1,320 "  NA         NA         NA        
2014 " 850 "    NA         NA         NA         NA        

[1] "character"

[1] "matrix"
The class of the above raises a subtle point about the value of the result from pasteFromExcel.
Data in Excel is often comprised of columns of data of many different types: numeric, character, and dates, to name a few. By default, therefore, pasteFromExcel will create a data.frame, an R object that allows differently typed columns. But when all the columns of data are “compatible,” pasteFromExcel will return a matrix object of the common “type” (or “mode”) by default, if possible, under the assumption that a matrix object would be “intuitively expected.” The argument that controls that option is simplify. By calling the function with simplify = FALSE, a data.frame will always be returned.
For more information about pasteFromExcel and its various optional arguments, see
Finally, Dear Reader, I leave you with a warning and a request for assistance! :)


Formatted numbers in Excel are stripped of their “adornments” via a regular expression I found on the internet here. This expression will not work outside the U.S.
I repeat:
Warning! excelRio’s special currency handling will only work with dollar signs, with periods as decimal separator, and with commas separating triples. I apologize. :(
(For the curious, excelRio stores its current regex pattern for currency in the variable currencypattern on line 38 in the file excelRio.r in the R folder of the package on github. )

Request for Assistance!

If anyone is interested in suggesting a currency pattern for their location I would really appreciate the collaboration — woohoo!! You can reach me at danielmarkmurphy at gmail. Thank you sincerely in advance.

created (mostly) with RMarkdown in RStudio

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